
"Serenissima" - Music of the Maritime Republic of Venice - GEMS Midtown Concerts, March 2023, Full Concert:

Se l'aura spira tutta vezzosa -  Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643)- October, 2021 Greenport, NY

A La Una Yo Naci — Live performance at CMA conference

Desdenado Soy d'Amor -  From Sanseverino’s 2nd Book of Ayres, 1616

Vergene Bella: Guillaume DuFay (1397-1474) 

La belle Se Siet: Guillaume DuFay (1397-1474) 

ALBA Consort's early work with our dear friend and colleague, 

the great oudist Haig Manoukian (1942-2014)

Los Bilbilicos (The Nightingale)  Traditional Sephardic — For CUNY.TV's Classic Arts Showcase

Quantas Sabedes by Martin Codex  (13th Century) — For CUNY.TV's Classic Art Showcase